Thursday, September 27, 2012


Well my bad luck continues and I am unfortunately vigorously typing away on my handy dandy iPhone. Apparently, when I took in my laptop to get the screen replaced, they realized the motherboard was corroded and so now I'm laptop free for the next week. Which really stinks.

But anyways, this past week I had my first two college tests! It wasn't as scary as I had imagined and I ended up acing them so that was pretty exciting. Although I did well on my tests, I'm finding it hard to establish good studying habits which is going to be really bad for me if I don't figure it out soon. I think I just established a goal of the week: FREAKING STUDY. lolz
I actually don't mind studying, it's just getting in a habit and actually doing it. I think I've realized that I don't really have a whole lot of self discipline and that's not really a good thing. Maybe I should google that: How do you obtain self discipline?

Well anyways, on Saturday, I hung out with my sister Ashley, Chandler and Lindsey- so fun. We played sand volleyball at like 1:00 and although it was pretty hot, we had a lot of fun. I'm supposed to be on an intramural team with a lot of people from my stake but I've discovered recently that I'm not that good. So basically, I just plan on hitting the volleyball court as much as I can so I can get better.

After volleyball, we went to this snow cone stand called hokulias with literally the best snowcones ever! I'm insanely obsessed with snowcones so it's basically like eating freaking rainbows and happiness.
Eating snowcones always reminds me of Mr. D's snowcone stand in good 'ol Cypress, Texas where I basically went everyday during the summer (not really but pretty much). They have pretty freaking delicious snowcones but nothing compares to Hokulias. Well at least I haven't found anything yet. I rather enjoy snowcones so I'm sure I'll be trying many more in my lifetime. May the search begin.

My new bestie Chandler. She's awesome. 

But on the topic of fitness- I bought myself this cool accessory on amazon the other day that I'm pretty excited about -->

I don't know why I dont already have one (oh wait, I don't run) but it's been a lot harder to stay in shape here with a meal card and a cafeteria that loves to serve you lots of carbs and sugar. So therefore, I have attempted lately to get in a habit of running. I was most worried about the altitude (because I do not do well in high altitudes) but it actually wasn't so bad and I really enjoyed it. I've only been running in the mornings for a few days but hopefully, I can keep it up.

I took this on one of my runs. Pretty freaking gorgeous eh?
On Sunday, we went to the Brigham City temple dedication that was broadcasted in the Marriott and it was really cool. I've never experienced a temple dedication and so it was such a cool thing to attend. We went to the 1st session in order to make it to a family picnic that my Nana and Papa had planned because they are in town. We went to Millcreek Canyon and it was a lot of fun to see my grandparents and my dads side of the family that I don't get to see that often. We spent a lot of time talking and catching up (and of course eating). My Aunt Trish is an amazing cook and we had some delicious chicken and shrimp soft tacos? (It was something like that). I'm so glad I live a lot closer to them now!

<---- Check this out!
        It's the beginning of Fall! #soexcited

Sisters <3
Love, love, love my sweet grandparents!
My Uncle David and Aunt Susan!
Sydney & Matt's ADORABLE baby, Amara.
Sister & Brother-in-law <3
Yes. This is my uncle. Sharpening a knife. 

Laugh of the Day: 

Today's laugh consists of three pictures. These never fail to make me laugh every time I look at them!
1. Do I really need to explain? Chandler was on sugar overload (after we made homemade ice cream) and this is the result. So. Funny. 
2. I love getting FaceTime calls from my hilarious brother! Always a big smile and laugh there. 
3. ERMAGERSH. I am obsessed with these memes. They are SO hilarious to me. There are SO many other ones but this one will suffice. :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Well it seems that someone in the world doesn't like me because I have had a series of unfortunate events happen to me over the past couple of days.

To start off, I am writing this post on my newly restored laptop and a freshly clean comforter. What exactly does that mean? Well, let me explain how my day went on Friday.

7:00 am- Woke up late but rushed and got ready in time to go with Briana & Kalli to the temple (The ONLY great part of my day, it was fantastic)
9:30 am- I realize I forgot to turn in a writing assignment- shoot.
10:00am-3:00 pm- consists of studying and classes- all super exhausting.
3:15 pm- I finally make it back to my dorm and I'm so tired, all I really want to do is grab me a bowl of cereal and take a nap.

So I'm sitting on my bed and eating some cereal while I look over my notes from class (not really, I was on facebook). Somehow, I manage to tip over my bowl of cereal and it spills all over my laptop. The laptop shuts off and I immediately go into complete terror mode. I chunk my bowl aside (thus spilling it ALL over my comforter, grab my laptop and rags and start frantically trying to clean up all the milk. My roommate starts googling proper clean-up of milk spills on laptops (which is surprisingly common) when I remember my handy dandy warranty I bought with my computer at the beginning of the school year (Thank you Mom & Dad!). I'm feeling a little bit better knowing that my warranty should cover it, but then I realize that I have to walk all the way back up hell hill (A relatively steep hill I have to walk up everyday to get to campus) and I won't even be able to take a nap before our friday night festivities begin. So off I went and luckily, the warranty covered it all.
Basically, don't eat cereal on your bed while using your laptop. The results could be deadly (at least if you're a college student who lives on your laptop).

So then later that day, there was the big football game against University of Utah- aka the Holy War. It was exciting, I went to the cannon center and watched it with a bunch of other people because they projected on a big screen. Unfortunately, we lost and it was the most stressful game of my life. It was awful. Between the Ute fans rushing the field twice and the game not being over and losing the game because the ball hit the field post- it was super intense. Let's just say that everyone in the cannon center was freaking out. It was still very unfortunate though because it was the rivalry game and I had been battling back and forth with my friend Valerie (whose boyfriend goes the U) for the entire week leading up to the game. But oh well. At least the game was exciting.

On Sunday we had regional stake conference at the Marriott and I had the chance to hear Dallin H. Oaks speak. It was such a cool experience and I am loving living in Utah where these kinds of things can happen! Well anyways, that night we also had a family dinner to celebrate September birthdays. Ashley's birthday was on the 18th so we celebrated hers, Hillary's and Audrey's. I had the biggest dilemma figuring out to what to get her but settled with this idea ->
Seeing as I have a handy dandy meal card, I felt like Ashley could benefit from some nice treats from the creamery :)

Ashley made a fabulous spaghetti and homemade meatballs dinner and it was really cool to see everyone. We, of course, caught a classic awkward family photo.

I love being around these people! so fun.

So after our family dinner, I went to ward prayer and then to this thing called tunnel singing that happens at the tunnels by the Marriott center. It was my first time and basically, it was like the coolest experience ever! I would recommend it to everyone. We basically sung hymns and halfway through, people shared mission calls, and it was just really cool and a great spiritual experience. Needless to say, I will be back for sure!
So after that great experience, we were heading back and I made the terrible decision to slide down some stair rails (like on my butt) and ended up landing not so gracefully onto the ground. I came down pretty hard on my left foot and thought it would be a little sore in the morning. However, after we went to go hang out in the May hall lobby (where the guys in our ward live), I tried to stand on it and literally could not at all. So then, Jordan attempted to piggyback me down the hall but luckily some of the boys rescued her and I got carried back to my dorm. Not all that terrible actually.
The only terrible thing was that I've had to be on crutches for the past couple of days. Luckily, it was just a bad sprain and not a break because I don't know what I would have done.


Crutching (is that a word?) around campus was like the worst experience ever, especially when I had to carry my backpack. The only fun part about having them was making up cool stories when people asked what happened. I usually responded, "Oh you know, just a bar fight... I lost" *nodding and maybe some pretend chuckles* "No really, I was sliding down a bar/rail and dismounted not so gracefully."*some ohhhhhs and chuckles*.
It was quite entertaining, but it was such a constant arm and shoulder workout that telling the stories didn't make up for it. I also hated showing up to class all sweaty and nasty- so not fun. Needless to say, I am so freaking excited to be done with them. I went crutch free today! I also won't be sliding down any rails like ever and hopefully I can avoid those evil things as much as possible!

Fingers crossed that this weekend goes better than the last.

Laugh of the Day:

Well actually this happened on monday, but whatever. So I'm going to my writing class and had to conquer some stairs to get my class on the second floor. Luckily, I made it up no problem but unfortunately, the floor was kind of slick at the top of the stairs. I go to crutch and my left crutch slips out and I just biff it so bad (biff is a utah thing. Synonyms would be eating it, wiping out, exc). I fall straight to my knees and my crutches go crashing down. It didn't hurt that bad at all, but it was just so freaking funny that I burst into uncontrollable laughter. Like I couldn't stop. Briana was carrying my backpack for me and was laughing too, but classes were still going on so she trys to shhh me but I just couldn't! I mean I just totally ate it, you would be dying too! I had to slip into the bathroom to compose myself because everyone in the hallway must of thought I was crazy but it was definitely the ultimate fail of the day. I'm so glad I am able to laugh at myself because otherwise, my life would be so boring. Wouldn't you agree?

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Well the college life has treated me pretty well. On Friday I went to the BYU Texas Round up and ate some classic blue bell (so freaking good) and scored myself this awesome tshirt-

Wearing this everyday of my life. Not really, but I wish.

The downer to going to this round up was that it made me miss all of my family and friends from back home. It's been hard to move away from everyone but I'm slowly making some good friends so thats good right? I would like to think thats a step in the right direction.
We've become pretty good friends with the girls across the hall-Chandler and Alisa. They're best friends like me and Jordan and we clicked with them pretty well because they're quite entertaining people. About a week ago, it was really late and we ran up and down the hall, switching around everyone's name tags on the doors. It was pretty entertaining but seriously, anything is entertaining at 1:00 in the morning. So seeing as we bonded through the pranking and jokes- Jordan and I put this on their cork strip by their door-
Someone added that pink sticky note (which we thought was pretty cool ) 
Which then led to the lovely decorating of our door-

This is the start of a beautiful friendship.
Speaking of friendship, one of the best parts of living in Provo and going to BYU is that I get to see my beautiful sister,Briana, everyday. Yes, you heard me right- every freaking day! Having two classes with her has been really fun and I can't thank her enough for helping me get used to college life. (Like when she prevented me from severely embarrassing myself by almost going into the wrong building thinking it was the testing center. This is how I imagine it would've turned out- "Hi, yeah can you tell me where I can go take my test?" "...... uhh you're in the wrong building... *muttering under breath* ...stupid freshman")
Yep. Great stuff.
So basically, consider this a special shout out to my best friend and best sister ever! (Ash, if you read this- I love you too!) We're taking a ballet class together which has become my favorite class so far. I've never been a dancer so it's been fun trying to be one. Dressing up in a leotard and tights is definitely pretty entertaining but I think the best part is just having someone to laugh with when you mess up. And don't worry- there is plenty of both.
Just yesterday I got chance to go to the temple with Briana and her friend Kalli and it was such a great experience. We went to the Provo temple and I'm so glad I chose to get up at 6 and go with them before classes- so worth it!
Isn't it gorgeous?!
So besides all the fun parties and events going on at BYU, there's always sports events going on and so its been fun going to the soccer and football games (No volleyball games yet but I'm excited to go to one). This past week we played University of Texas in Women's soccer and we killed them (5-0). It was a great game except when it started raining and it got so cold that we decided to leave and get some pie shakes at Sammys. (SO GOOD by the way, I definitely recommend)

Yesterday, we played Weber State in football and also destroyed them if I would say so myself (45-13, Go Cougs!) It was a great game besides the fact that it was at 1:00 in the afternoon and it was SO HOT. I scored myself an awkward sunburn on my forehead and arms which is just super great, but oh well. We did have row 2 seats right in the endzone so that part was really sick. It's so fun having a handy dandy sports pass that gets me super great seats.
Right up in the action- SO COOL.
Well that about sums it up- yay for Texas pride, amazing sisters, and awkward sunburns!

Laugh of the Day:

Eating breakfast the morning of the football game and making waffles at the waffle maker. But instead of successfully filling up the little cup of waffle batter, my good friend Sarah pushes the lever for the waffle batter, it pops off, and starts spilling out everywhere. And it doesn't trickle out or anything my friends, it's like a volcano (but not) and quickly spilling everywhere. Luckily, some guy came up and plugged it up with his hands because Jordan and I were completely incompetent to do anything but die of laughter. A worker at the Cannon came up and helped clean it up but needless to say it was pretty hysterical. 
And in case you're wondering- she did end up getting her waffle. Actually she had two. 

Monday, September 3, 2012


One week down here in good 'ol Provo and I am loving life. Life is basically a constant party and I mean, who wouldn't love that?

To start my day, I had a good laugh playing around with my ever so entertaining iPhone.
Get it? Yeah I got a good kick out of it.

Happy Labor Day! I'm not really sure what this holiday is about (yeah I know, I really am in college I promise) but we didn't have classes today so yay for weird holidays and 3 day weekends!
So being from Texas and having no knowledge of hiking mountains and how awful it is, I thought it would be a good idea to hike the Y. My roommate Jordan was down for it because I mean everyone has to hike it once in their life so I mean, why not get it over with and make a fun day out of it? Yeah, no.

It looks so promising and cool when you start off, but don't be fooled my friends.

Let me just say that it was awful. A straight up climb combined with around a 1000 feet altitude change, thinner air, and a sinusitis problem that doesn't allow me to breathe all the way out of my nose basically means I almost died. Not really but I like to be dramatic so bear with me. About halfway up, I was getting super light headed so we stopped for awhile and used the incredible view to breathe for awhile. I felt bad for the two guys from Utah- Stephan & Seth- because I'm sure they were annoyed to have to wait on such a wimpy Texan. Jordan struggled a little bit, but she only really had one moment of weakness. Let's just say that after standing up really quickly and getting light headed, she warned us she was probably going to barf and then literally did like 30 seconds later. I wish we could've captured the whole moment because as soon as she was done, I'm pretty sure her exact words were- "Okay, I'm good. I feel much better now!" And then she stood up and was ready to go. Like what?! Who does that?? I'm pretty sure nobody.
Now for some reason, whether it be the fact that I was tired, sweaty, and probably a little dehydrated, I thought that this whole thing we had just experienced was just the most hilarious thing ever. I laughed for a good couple of minutes and then we commenced on with the death hike. It was just great.

After we got to the top, I kind of expected it to be really cool but honestly, it was just painted rock. The view was spectacular though!

Wouldn't you agree?

The rosy cheeks are a nice touch, eh? lolz

The group! 
Would I hike it again? Yeah probably not. Maybe when I get in better shape (which may be never) and get more used to the air, but lets be real- I will probably never get used to this paper thin air. I miss my humid, thick Texas air. It's better for my health.
Well anyways, after we survived the trek down the trail (which was frightening for a clumsy, barely able to walk on flat surface kind of girl like me), we piled in my tiny civic and headed for this cute little 50s restaurant called The Malt Shoppe. I really was dying for a snow cone but the only size that had was a 32 oz. cup so I thought well what the heck, I almost died today, I deserve a big snow cone right? Yeah, that wasn't a long internal debate.
I think the best part about this delicious, refreshing snow cone was the fact that it had ice cream in the bottom. I definitely recommend it if you ever have the chance to try it.

Before you judge me for being a fatty-
I didn't eat it alone. :)
So after I was sufficiently about to burst of shaved ice and ice cream goodness, we headed back to the good 'ol dorm and literally napped for a good 5 hours. I mean we almost died, so that's acceptable right? I would like to think so at least.

So basically long story short- Hiking the Y and almost dieing is a good excuse to do basically anything unusual like down a large snowcone and sleep for an unnaturally long time.

Laugh of the Day:

Jordan barfing on the side of the mountain in our trek up to the Y.
Why so funny? I have no idea. (Sorry Jordan)