Saturday, May 11, 2013


I am a terrible blogger.
I swear time is flying by and I just can't keep up with it!
So here is a recap from the end of March & all of April...

Sunset Hike to the Y 

So it's always been on my bucket list to see the sun set from the top of a mountain. Zac and I were looking for something to do so we were like hey, why not hike the Y and watch the sunset? I was totally down except for the part about it being the Y trail. Remember my last experience? It was awful. I googled every other possible hike, but the Y trail seemed like the easiest to walk to and we knew we could see the sunset from the top. So we decided on that. 
We left early, at like 3 and made a stop at Flags and Stuff & Gandolfos. I got a map of Tahiti that I stuck on my ceiling and looked at every night before I went to bed. Pretty cool. 
I also got a little French Polynesia flag and Zac got a map of South Korea. 
The funniest thing that happened to us at Flags and Stuff was when we checked out, the cashier was talking to Zac about how his daughter went on her mission to South Korea and married someone who went on his mission to South Korea as well. He went on about how they still talk to each other in Korean and will talk to people at Korean restaurants and how it was really cool. He then told Zac, "So what you need to do is ditch this girl and get yourself a Korean girl! Because Tahitian is going to get you guys nowhere." He was just like uhhhh.... and we both laughed it off. I made fun of Zac for that for awhile, it was pretty funny.  
After Flags and Stuff, we went and got sandwiches at Zac's favorite sandwich shop- Gandolfos. He is obsessed. Then we started the hike to the bottom of the Y trail. It was basically the workout before the workout. But it was fun. We got there early enough to be able to take our time heading up. I was happy with that because I was able to slowly adjust to the high altitude and not get light headed as much. Overall, it was an incredible view and SO pretty to watch the sunset. The view from the Y is not that great, so if you're going to hike the Y, definitely do it at sunset. Watching the sun set and seeing all the lights come on in Provo, it's breathtaking. We loved it so much we actually did the same hike last wednesday as kind of our last big thing before we both left for back home. 


This year for Easter, my day started out with getting a lovely easter basket from Mama Jones! Jordan and I had so much fun opening the box and getting out our baskets. Thanks again Mama Jones, you're the best!!
For Easter dinner, we spent it at Ashleys with all of my sisters. It was really fun and good to spend time with them! Something sad to realize is that this is probably the only time in our lives that we're all 3 in the same city at the same time. I definitely feel like I didn't take advantage of that enough, but Easter was definitely fun. We had a good dinner and then Zac and I filled a bunch of eggs with candy so we had a big Easter egg hunt. It was so much fun. I love my family! 

 General Conference

General Conference was amazing this year. I really enjoyed all of it, and just thought the speakers were incredible. If you didn't get a chance to watch it or don't even know what I'm talking about, check it out here-
General Conference happens twice a year and is a time when the Prophet & President of our church speaks to us along with other great leaders in our church. They speak to us and give guidance relevant to us now and what we need to hear. It's great and I always feel so good after watching. Take a look, I dare you (:
Zac & I watched it at my sister Ashley's apartment on saturday and sunday morning and then headed to Salt Lake City on sunday afternoon to watch conference at the conference center. Best Conference ever!!!
Hahaha Zac watched saturday afternoon conference in his dressy clothes because he headed to the train station right after we finished watching. I was amused because I was in all comfy clothes and he was all dressed up.  
Mission Languages! Tagalog, Tahitian, and Korean! 

Found scriptures in both of my mission languages :) I can't wait!!

Sunday afternoon conference! Love them :)

 Puppies for Rent

So there's this business in Provo where you can rent puppies and play with them for an hour! The goal is to try and get them adopted, but we just wanted to pretend like we had a puppy for a little bit :)
His name was Miles and he was adorable!

Well that wraps up April! Expect a post (hopefully) within the next week about May! So far I'm loving it :)

Lessons from the Book of Mormon: 

So clearly this is a little old, but I still wanted to share :) 
So one thing that I loved about my Book of Mormon class was studying the prophets and gaining a better appreciation for what they taught and their courage. A few weeks ago we learned about Mormon and what an incredible prophet and person he was. At 10 years old, Ammoron came to Mormon and basically told him that he was a special guy with a sober mind and was chosen to be in charge of the records when he was old enough. When he was only 15 years old, he went out as the head of the army. I’m barely 19 and I can’t even imagine enlisting in the army.  Granted he was obviously chosen by God beforehand for that purpose, but still. The thought of being given that responsibility at that age is mind-boggling. Another great thing about Mormon is that he never gave up hope and courage. In chapter 1 verse 16, it reads, “And I did endeavor to preach unto this people, but my mouth was shut, and I was forbidden that I should preach unto them; for behold they had willfully rebelled against their God; and the beloved disciples were taken away out of the land, because of their iniquity.” I can find so many reasons to be depressed and lonely when in this situation, but Mormon never does. It’s incredible the strength he has and I’ve really come to admire that. Mormon has definitely become one of my favorite prophets! 

Laugh of the Day:

So a little fun fact about myself- I laugh at everything and in every situation. It's mostly fun, but sometimes can be annoying because I will laugh at inappropriate times. For example, I was babysitting this past week and the 12 year old boy in the family was mad (at something dumb like losing a little competition he had going on with his sister) and so he was flinging his shirt up over his face and accidentally poked his thumb into his eye. I thought this was funny. He poked himself in the eye. Is that not funny to anyone else? Well anyways I started laughing a little and he got a little mad at me because I was laughing at him. He then accused me of not caring about his pain and was a little dramatic but I did feel pretty bad. I had to remind myself that not everyone laughs when other people are in pain. My Beard family members would understand me, we all do it. :) 

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