Tuesday, February 12, 2013


This past week was a big one.
Jordan, my roommate and best friend, got her mission call!
I am so incredibly excited for her and I know she will be such a great missionary!
So where in the world is Jordan going?

Wait for it......
She is called to labor in the France Lyon mission! 


This was such a crazy experience for me because I got to witness the excitement of someone getting called to somewhere they really wanted to go. Jordan has been learning french for 6 years now so it's exciting to see her go somewhere where she can use that! 
We both took French in high school together, but Jordan decided to carry on in college.
It's so fun to see a lot of my friends get mission calls because it is one of the greatest things to be able to share and witness their excitement. 

I submit my papers in hopefully a week so my time is coming soon! I can't wait to find out where in the world the Lords needs me to serve. 
So exciting! 

Lessons from the Book of Mormon: 

One of the the things we talked about last week was about the pride cycle. I can't tell you how many times I have learned about the pride cycle growing up in the church. I always thought it was the same story and order: prosperity, pride, destruction, repentance, and then back to prosperity. However, I discovered a whole new depth and understanding of the pride cycle in class. You can basically split up the pride cycle into the different paths leading to the 3 degrees of glory we will be separated into after we die. The traditional pride cycle we think of is basically the path to terrestrial glory. It's not terrible, but its not the best we can do. The Telestial slide is when we go from our sorrow from destruction right back to pride and sin. We fail to realize our sins and humble ourselves before the Lord and resort back to pride, forgetting the wonderful blessings of the atonement and the happiness we feel when we look to the Lord. Lastly, the Celestial staircase is when we humble ourselves before the Lord because of our blessings and prosperity and keep on that gradual climb toward exaltation. This is where we step back and are humble before the Lord for all of our blessings and prosperity and never fail to forget him. Of course, there is always room to jump down to a lower cycle or pattern, but it goes both ways. We can just as easily jump back up onto that celestial staircase as we can fall to a lower cycle. 
So then I guess the only thing left to question is: Where am I at this time in my life? If I'm not where I want to be, what can I do to get myself on that upward climb? 

Laugh of the Day: 

So these are the guys in my ward..... 
Please watch their Harlem Shake. BYU edition. 

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