That's right folks, I'm the big One Nine!
19 years ago, on March 15th at 12:47 p.m., Rachel Lynn Taylor (that's me!) was brought into this world.
It's weird to think that I am one year away from official adulthood and that I'll turn 20 in the tropical paradise of Tahiti. I feel like I should still be an awkward little Beehive, just loving each day of life. Now I feel old, tired and stressed all the time. If this is how I feel now, I can only imagine how I'll feel in 20 years... Oh gosh.
As you can see, nothing has changed.
This year for my birthday, we celebrated by taking the FrontRunner to Salt Lake and eating at my favorite restaurant at City Creek- The Blue Lemon. After eating we hit up City Creek and did some shopping
So happy we got to get our traditional vanilla bean frappuccinos at Starbucks <3
So after we finished shopping and getting frapps at Starbucks, we decided to head back to the train station. I looked at the schedule online and it said the train would leave at 10:12 pm. In my head I'm thinking, "That's a weird time buttt whatever, that's what it says!" So we're walking and we get to the parking lot right before the tracks. It's approximately 10:06 and we see the train start to leave. It's take a second to register and then we're all like, "Wait! Isn't that our train?!!!" Sure enough, it definitely was. We looked at the schedule at the station and it said 10:05. I was like what?!?! It was a pretty epic "this only happens in movies" moment when you see the train you're supposed to be on leave. So it wouldn't have been too bad except for the fact that the next train was scheduled to leave an hour and a half later. What were we supposed to do for an hour and a half?!?!
Well basically, the group split up and half went to find a restroom and ended up running to get a birthday cake for me as well (Helmut is the best!), and then the other half stayed and entertained ourself with a shopping cart we found in the parking lot and blowing up people's phones with pictures and selfies. So that explains the shopping cart picture at the beginning of the post :)
We did finally make it on the train to get back home. When I got back to the dorms, I went up to May Hall and my good friend Austin (who is also my home teacher) made me a cake and so we went and had cake up there too. Overall, I had the best birthday ever! I can't believe I'm already 19 and what the future has in store for me, but I'm excited! Great things are definitely to come.
Lessons from the Book of Mormon:
A few weeks ago in Book of Mormon, we talked about The Church of
Jesus Christ vs. the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The best way to display the
difference is in an analogy. The Church of Jesus Christ is like a lantern and
the Gospel of Jesus Christ is like the light or candle burning within.
Basically, the Church is the foundational set up and structure for the Gospel
of Jesus Christ that consists of the doctrine and teachings of Christ. I think
that I've always known the difference, but it was kind of nice to review it and
realize the importance of both. We also talked about names and the importance
of them. If you break down the name of our Church, it actually gives it so much
more meaning and justifies why it is called The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints.
The- An article/marker, establishes the name as a whole
of- ownership or possession; Church OF Jesus Christ; His
Jesus Christ
of- 2nd possession; Christ gives us partial ownership
Latter-day- A marker for our day, distinguishes us from the
Saints- Helps us know who we are. We aren't just members, we're
Saints and equal in God's perspective.
Overall, I really enjoyed talking about names and the importance
of them. Not only are we given our father's name at birth, but as we go through
life, we gain other names. I will gain the name Sister Taylor in a few months.
Behind every name there is importance or significance for our purpose in this
life. I'm so grateful for my name and the purpose and significance it has
behind it. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true and I am so grateful to be a
member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!
Laugh of the Day:
On my birthday just a little past midnight, Micaela and Lindsay came bursting in my room playing some hip hop version of Happy Birthday and dancing crazily. It was great. I was laughing so hard.
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