Monday, October 29, 2012

HealthProbs&Intramural&FlashPack &SpurtingBlood

Well I made it!
I have survived mid-terms and have a nice week and a half break until any tests or anything major so that's a relief. Besides that, my life's been pretty normal lately except for the fact that it's freaking freezing outside and oh I don't know, it's only October and we've already had the first snow! You heard me right, IT'S SNOWING IN OCTOBER. So basically, I'm going to die. This Texas girl is not going to be handle December. So if I don't post for a couple of weeks, you can basically assume that I have the most boring life ever or that I've frozen to death.

So with this cold weather brings out the worst of my sinuses and allergies. I've pretty much always had sinus problems, I just never knew it was that bad. To me, stuffy noses are just a normal thing and I've just learned to adapt to it.
However, before I started school, my mom took me to an ENT to make sure everything looked okay. With the whole climate change and living on my own, she was worried. And to my surprise, the ENT found that my nose was very swollen and he was shocked I could even breathe out of it. I was taken back because I thought I could breathe just fine! So what then proceeded was a a few medications and nose rinses for a couple of weeks to see how I reacted. When those helped a tiny bit, he wanted me to try a little longer. This past Monday, I went back in to report no change in my sinuses. Therefore, I then got a CT scan so he could get a better look at my sinuses. When the scan was basically clear, the next step was to either try a new spray or get allergy tested to better medicate or prevent my allergies from acting up. Well due to me and my mom's dying curiosity, I am currently scheduled to get allergy tested this Thursday! It basically involves them pricking me a bunch of times to see how I react? I'm not for sure, but I do know that it involves needles. Wish me luck!

So because I'm getting tested next week, I went off of my preventative migraine medication this past Monday. I've also dealt with headaches and migraines for a great part of my life, so I was prescribed some medicine to help prevent migraines this past August. Since I've been on the medication, I haven't gotten any migraines which has been such a blessing. So because I was feeling so good, I thought I would try going off of it to see how I did. With the timing of getting allergy tested and the fact that the preventative medication can't be in my blood for testing, I thought it was a good time to go medicine free for a bit. And with my luck, you can only imagine that that isn't going well right? Well this brings me to my next topic: Intramural volleyball (I know its weird but I promise it relates).

So I'm on a intramural volleyball team with people from my ward and friends from Cypress Stake. I absolutely love it not only because of the people but because its been really fun to be apart of. Our team name is Master Commanders. If you're wondering, it's from an Olan Rogers video (If you don't know him, shame on you).
We won our first game but sadly lost our second (It was really close).
Naturally, we got shirts that I happened to design.

So after we had our game, we practiced for awhile. We kept playing the team we faced (for good practice) and it was pretty fun. Well of course until one of the guys on the other team spiked the ball on my face. Yep. You heard me, right smack dab on my face.
I've always had this fear of getting hit in the face in volleyball so I have this habit or squealing when the ball comes close to my face or when something else scary happens. Sadly, this happens a lot. Well anyways, the ball came so fast that I literally had no time to react or to even let out a squeal of terror. Instead, it just hurt. BAD. I couldn't feel my face for a few minutes and I was crying uncontrollably from laughing, but it got better. Well it got better until about 2 hours later when I developed a throbbing migraine and it was awful. 2 days after I stopped taking my medicine again too!! I went to bed hoping to sleep it off but of course, I woke up with the same throbbing migraine. I took some strong migraine meds that the doctor prescribed (ones to take at an onset of a migraine, not preventative), and I actually felt much better... for awhile. 
To my despair, I have yet to be migraine free. It comes and goes but loves to be strongest when least convenient. The other frustrating thing is that I don't know if it's just from the volleyball or if its normal since I went off my medication. I have to to stay off the preventative until thursday so I sure do hope I can get rid of this nasty migraine. 

So besides all of that, another fun thing we did was something called Flash Pack. Jordan is a part of BYU/SA and is on the activities committee (or something like that). Well anyways, she's been in charge of planning this whole Flash Pack and so of course, as roommate, I had to go but it was actually really fun. We basically just went to a random intramural soccer game, chose a team, and cheered crazily for them. We even got the rosters of the players and made signs for them. 
<-- I made one for Henry and Andrew made one for 

It was hilarious because the players were like what the heck?! My team didn't win but it was really fun. The only bad thing was that it was FREEZING and I was sure my toes were frozen by the end of the night. 


In more recent news, today I tried to give blood in a blood drive but pretty much totally failed. After trying to find a vein for like 5 minutes in my left arm, they went to my right arm. In my right arm, they couldn't find a vein at first but when they finally did, it blew up and it spurted blood all over me. Definitely something I've never experienced before. I didn't actually see the blood because I wasn't looking at the needle and everything (because I don't do well with needles) but I was sitting right next to everyone waiting to give blood and apparently put on quite the show with all the blood spurting. It splattered on my mint green pants and coral jacket but luckily, I got a hold of some hydrogen peroxide and the blood came right out of my clothes. Needless to say, I will be a little more hesitant to give blood next time! I have bruises on both of my arms which makes me nervous because they poke my arms on Thursday for allergy testing! I mean I guess that's cool. 

Laugh of the Day: 

Signing up for classes at midnight and being totally wired on halloween candy. 
This basically comprises of jumping around the room, laughing uncontrollably, and doing weird things. 

1 comment:

  1. uhh your time on the sticker to give blood is your birthday! yeah i noticed! miss you!!! <3
